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Moving House With Kids: 30 Tips For Making The Transition Easier

Are you moving house with kids?

Then, this is the blog for you.

Moving house can be an exciting and daunting experience for anyone, but it can be especially challenging when children are involved.

Children may have a range of emotions when faced with the prospect of moving, including excitement, anxiety, and sadness.

As a parent or guardian, it’s important to help your children navigate this transition period and make the move as stress-free as possible.

By involving your children in the process, communicating openly and honestly with them, and addressing their concerns, you can help them feel more comfortable and confident about the move.

With some planning and preparation, moving house with children can be a positive and memorable experience for the whole family.

Here are some top tips to help you when moving house with kids, as well as tips for helping them settle into their new environment quickly without too much stress.

So, let’s get into it!

Packing boxes with kid for moving house

Planning The Move: 21 Tips To Help Children Making The Move Easier

1. Talk to your children about the move:

It’s important to explain to your children what is happening, why you are moving, and what the new house and community will be like. This can help ease their fears and anxiety about the move.

2. Read books about moving:

Reading books about moving with your children can help them understand what to expect and feel more prepared for the move. Some good books to consider include “The Berenstain Bears’ Moving Day” and “Topsy and Tim: Move House”.

3. Involve your children in the process:

Let your children help with packing and decorating their new room. This can make them feel more excited and invested in the move.

4. Make a “new house” wish list:

Have your children make a “new house” wish list with things they would like in their new home. This can help them feel excited and invested in the move.

5. Keep your children’s routine as consistent as possible:

Try to maintain your children’s usual routines as much as possible, including mealtimes and bedtime routines.

6. Pack a special bag for each child:

Pack a special bag for each child with their favourite toys, books, and snacks to keep them occupied during the move.

7. Hire a sitter for moving day:

Consider hiring a babysitter for moving day if possible; to keep your children occupied and safe while you are busy moving. This will be really helpful if you have young children and are unable to get help from friends and family.

Packing and labelling boxes for moving.

8. Label boxes clearly:

Make sure to label boxes clearly so that you can quickly find your children’s belongings and set up their rooms in the new house.

9. Arrange for childcare during the move:

If possible, arrange for your children to stay with family or friends during the actual move. This can help reduce their stress and keep them safe.

10. Take breaks and have fun:

Make sure to take breaks during the move and have some fun with your children. Take a walk, have a picnic, or explore the new neighborhood together.

11. Have a plan for the first night:

Have a plan for the first night in your new home, such as ordering pizza or setting up a movie night. This can help your children feel more comfortable and excited about their new home.

12. Stick to familiar foods:

During the move, stick to familiar foods that your children enjoy to help them feel more comfortable and secure.

13. Keep communication open:

Keep communication open with your children throughout the move, and be available to answer their questions and concerns.

14. Throw a goodbye party:

Consider throwing a goodbye party for your children and their friends before you move. This can give your children a chance to say goodbye and feel more closure about leaving their old home.

15. Take photos of your old home:

Before you leave your old home, take photos of the house and yard with your children. This can help them remember their old home and community and feel more connected to their memories.

16. Maintain connections with old friends:

Help your children maintain connections with their old friends by scheduling phone calls or video chats. This can help them feel less isolated in their new community.

17. Visit the new house and community ahead of time:

If possible, take your children to visit the new house and community ahead of time. This can help them feel more familiar with the new surroundings and reduce their anxiety about the move.

18. Consider a temporary housing option:

If you are moving long-distance and can’t move directly into your new home, consider a temporary housing option such as a hotel or short-term rental. This can help reduce the stress of the move for your children.

19. Get settled in quickly:

Once you move into your new house, try to get settled in as quickly as possible. Set up your children’s rooms first, and make sure that they have everything they need to feel comfortable in their new home.

unpack the boxes for the kid room.

20. Get your children involved in choosing decorations:

Let your children help choose decorations for their new room, such as paint colours or bedding. This can help them feel more excited and invested in the move.

21. Be patient:

Moving can be a big adjustment for children, so be patient and understanding as they adjust to their new home and community. With time and support, they will likely feel more comfortable and settled in their new surroundings.

After The Move: 9 Tips To Help Children To Settle Into Their New Home

Now that you’ve moving house with kids, you may realise that you need some tips to help your children adjust to their new surroundings.

We know moving house can be a tough and confusing experience for children, they may feel anxious, and stressed out during the transition period, especially if they are leaving behind familiar surroundings, friends, and routines.

Here are some great tips to help your children settle in at their new home quickly:

22. Unpack familiar items first:

Unpack your children’s familiar items first, such as their favourite toys, games, and books. This can help them feel more comfortable and at home in their new space.

23. Set up their room first:

Set up your children’s room first, including their bed and any furniture. This can help them feel more settled and secure in their new space.

24. Explore the new neighbourhood together:

Take walks or bike rides around the new neighbourhood with your children. This can help them feel more familiar with their new surroundings and explore new places.

25. Get involved in the community:

Encourage your children to get involved in the new community, whether it’s through sports, clubs, or volunteering. This can help them make new friends and feel more connected to their new home.

Playing with the kid in the new house.

26. Have a family night in:

Set aside time for a family night in, such as a movie night or a family’s game night. This can help your children feel more connected to the family and their new home.

27. Maintain The Children’s Routines:

Try to maintain your children’s usual routines, such as mealtimes and bedtime routines. This can help them feel more comfortable and secure in their new home.

28. Meet new neighbours:

Encourage your children to meet new neighbours and introduce themselves. This can help them feel more welcome in the new community.

29. Decorate the new home together:

Let your children help decorate the new home, such as hanging up artwork or arranging furniture. This can help them feel more invested and connected to their new space.

30. Encourage open communication:

Keep communication open with your children about how they are feeling and any concerns they have about the move. Encourage them to share their thoughts and feelings about the new home.

To Conclude

Moving house with kids can be challenging, but with some planning and preparation, it is possible to make the move a positive and pleasant experience for everyone.

By following these tips, you can help your children feel more comfortable and excited about moving to their new home and community.

We hope you have enjoyed reading the tips for moving house with kids.

If you are moving soon and would like a quote for your house removal service, please contact us for a free no obligation quote by calling Tel: 023 9298 5830, our friendly and professional team is here to help you.